SKU: DVD2644

Antique (DVD) (2001) 日劇
  • Antique image 1
  • Antique image 2



  • Antique image 1
  • Antique image 2


  • Antique image 1
  • Antique image 2
  • 視 頻
  • NTSC Fullscreen
  • 音 頻
  • 日語
  • 字 幕
  • 英文 , 中文 , 馬來文
  • 光碟
  • DVD 光碟
  • 區碼
  • 區碼 All


  • 商品名稱 : Antique
  • 集數 : 全1-11集完整版
  • 播放時間: 大約 530分鐘
  • 電視台 / 電影製作 : 日本ese Fuji TV
  • 上映 / 播送日 : 2001年
  • 發行日期 : 2007年03月11日
  • 片數 : 3 片
  • 重量 : 230(g)

  • 劇情
  • Consist of episode 1 to 11 complete TV series plus behind the scenes.

    Tachibana, the owner of a confectionery that likes hot-spicy food more than cakes; Ono, the superb party chef that has a mysterious aura, and Eiji, the ex-boxer who loves cakes that now works at Antique. This is a refreshing, yet heartfelt comedy about the 3 very unique personalities (more than that, all 3 are good looking!), that work until the wee hours of the night at a small confectionery called "Antique." The story follows the romance, family life and friendship that these 3 men from different generations experience.

    A confectionery with a "flavor" not like most. Located in the middle of an ordinary residential area, "Antique" stays open until 2 a.m. Every single thing in the shop is antique, in fact even the sherry glasses that water comes in look like they would cost 50,000 yen. On top of this, all the sweets that are sold are unbelievably delicious. The thing that is most peculiar about "Antique" though is that all 3 of the men that work here are very handsome, and each has an interesting past. Those that frequent the store all are also...

    Theme song Youthful Days (Opening) & Kimi ga Suki (Insert) by Mr.Children.

  • 劇情
  • Consist of episode 1 to 11 complete TV series plus behind the scenes.

    Tachibana, the owner of a confectionery that likes hot-spicy food more than cakes; Ono, the superb party chef that has a mysterious aura, and Eiji, the ex-boxer who loves cakes that now works at Antique. This is a refreshing, yet heartfelt comedy about the 3 very unique personalities (more than that, all 3 are good looking!), that work until the wee hours of the night at a small confectionery called "Antique." The story follows the romance, family life and friendship that these 3 men from different generations experience.

    A confectionery with a "flavor" not like most. Located in the middle of an ordinary residential area, "Antique" stays open until 2 a.m. Every single thing in the shop is antique, in fact even the sherry glasses that water comes in look like they would cost 50,000 yen. On top of this, all the sweets that are sold are unbelievably delicious. The thing that is most peculiar about "Antique" though is that all 3 of the men that work here are very handsome, and each has an interesting past. Those that frequent the store all are also...

    Theme song Youthful Days (Opening) & Kimi ga Suki (Insert) by Mr.Children.