SKU: DVD2648

Forbidden Siren (DVD) () 日本電影


  • 視 頻
  • NTSC Full Screen
  • 音 頻
  • 日語
  • 字 幕
  • 英文 , 中文
  • 光碟
  • DVD 光碟
  • 區碼
  • 區碼 All


  • 商品名稱 : Forbidden Siren
  • 發行日期 : 2007年03月17日
  • 片數 : 1 片
  • 重量 : 150(g)

  • 劇情
  • Based on Sony’s PS2 Cult Classic Game

    As reported in 1976, the inhabitants of a solitary island of Yamajima were once annihilated except for a crazy man who shouted a mysterious warning: “When you hear the siren, never go out.”

    Thirty years later, Yuki Amamoto goes to the island with her father, a freelance reporter and her little brother who suffers from neurological disorders. The islanders were not very friendly towards them.

    Her neighbor gives her the same strange warning: “When you hear the siren, never go out.” This is the beginning of a series of mysterious incident. Gradually, Yuki loses her trust in the people around her. She is determined to protect her brother from the unknown peril that seems to be surrounding them. When the siren begins to roar, the severed bits of mystery begin to assemble together to reveal the truth of the 1976 massacre, and finally unravel the mystery of the siren…

  • 劇情
  • Based on Sony’s PS2 Cult Classic Game

    As reported in 1976, the inhabitants of a solitary island of Yamajima were once annihilated except for a crazy man who shouted a mysterious warning: “When you hear the siren, never go out.”

    Thirty years later, Yuki Amamoto goes to the island with her father, a freelance reporter and her little brother who suffers from neurological disorders. The islanders were not very friendly towards them.

    Her neighbor gives her the same strange warning: “When you hear the siren, never go out.” This is the beginning of a series of mysterious incident. Gradually, Yuki loses her trust in the people around her. She is determined to protect her brother from the unknown peril that seems to be surrounding them. When the siren begins to roar, the severed bits of mystery begin to assemble together to reveal the truth of the 1976 massacre, and finally unravel the mystery of the siren…