SKU: DVD4895

Body (DVD) () 泰國電影


  • 視 頻
  • NTSC Widescreen
  • 音 頻
  • 泰語
  • 字 幕
  • 英文 , 中文 , 馬來文
  • 光碟
  • DVD 光碟
  • 區碼
  • 區碼 All


  • 商品名稱 : Body
  • 播放時間: 大約 125分鐘
  • 發行日期 : 2010年03月12日
  • 片數 : 1 片
  • 重量 : 150(g)

  • 劇情
  • A human being contains 5 liters off blood, 6 pounds of skin, 206 bones, 600 muscles and 35 million glands. It takes a human body more than 25 years of life to grow such thingsvBut One man actually believes he can rid himself of every single peice of human flesh by just using straight scissors and a small surgical blade. And he is going to prove it.

    Chon starts seeing a psychotherapist after he starts dreaming about a woman who he had only met once in a restaurant. In His Dreams, a mysterious man murders her, slices her body into pieces, and flushes them down a toilet bowl 1 by 1.

    The murderuos dreams haunt him into his waking memory, and eventually he feels as if his own body is being dissected and varved up by the surgical knife. Slowly, the terrifying images take control of him.

    He comes to lelieve that dead woman is sending him messages through these nightmares. But these are not messages for him, they are meant for her murderer. And they speak of revenge: "I am still here".

  • 劇情
  • A human being contains 5 liters off blood, 6 pounds of skin, 206 bones, 600 muscles and 35 million glands. It takes a human body more than 25 years of life to grow such thingsvBut One man actually believes he can rid himself of every single peice of human flesh by just using straight scissors and a small surgical blade. And he is going to prove it.

    Chon starts seeing a psychotherapist after he starts dreaming about a woman who he had only met once in a restaurant. In His Dreams, a mysterious man murders her, slices her body into pieces, and flushes them down a toilet bowl 1 by 1.

    The murderuos dreams haunt him into his waking memory, and eventually he feels as if his own body is being dissected and varved up by the surgical knife. Slowly, the terrifying images take control of him.

    He comes to lelieve that dead woman is sending him messages through these nightmares. But these are not messages for him, they are meant for her murderer. And they speak of revenge: "I am still here".