SKU: 9555499402428

不被原諒的捜査官 (DVD) (2010) 日劇
  • 不被原諒的捜査官 image 1
  • 不被原諒的捜査官 image 2


  • 不被原諒的捜査官 image 1
  • 不被原諒的捜査官 image 2


  • 不被原諒的捜査官 image 1
  • 不被原諒的捜査官 image 2
  • 視 頻
  • NTSC Widescreen
  • 音 頻
  • 日語
  • 字 幕
  • 英文, 中文(繁),中文(简), 馬來文
  • 光碟
  • DVD 光碟
  • 區碼
  • 區碼 All

  • 商品名稱 : 不被原諒的捜査官
  • 集數 : 全1~10end
  • 電視台 / 電影製作 : 日本 Fuji TV
  • 上映 / 播送日 : 2010年
  • 發行日期 : 2010年09月27日
  • 片數 : 3 片
  • 重量 : 230(g)

  • 主演
  • 堺雅人 , 錦戸亮 , 平山広行 , 鹿賀丈史 , 丸山智己 , りょう , 大杉漣
  • 劇情
  • Mild-mannered detective Date Kazuyoshi (Sakai) is a detective on the Kanagawa prefectural police force. During the day, he is known as a "Buddha" for his gentle personality, pouring all of his energy into resolving each case. At night, however, he transforms into a cruel punisher as his gentleness gives way to his anger towards the criminals. The series poses questions about what justice and evil truly are.

  • 劇情
  • Mild-mannered detective Date Kazuyoshi (Sakai) is a detective on the Kanagawa prefectural police force. During the day, he is known as a "Buddha" for his gentle personality, pouring all of his energy into resolving each case. At night, however, he transforms into a cruel punisher as his gentleness gives way to his anger towards the criminals. The series poses questions about what justice and evil truly are.