• 視 頻
  • NTSC Widescreen 16:9
  • 音 頻
  • 日語
  • 字 幕
  • 英文, 中文(繁), 中文(简), 馬來文
  • 光碟
  • DVD 光碟
  • 區碼
  • 區碼 All

  • 商品名稱 : 美穂的小酒窩
  • 其他名稱 : Miporin's Dimple / Miho's Dimple
  • 播放時間: 大約 101分鐘
  • 發行日期 : 2011年01月01日
  • 片數 : 1 片
  • 重量 : 150(g)

  • 主演
  • 長瀬智也 , 広末涼子 , 福田麻由子
  • 劇情
  • Hirosue and Nagase will play a married couple in this tearjerker, based on a true story of two parents who are told that their daughter Miho (played by Manatsu Kimura) has one year left to live due to a brain tumor. The drama depicts the family's remaining time together, including the 359 letters that Miho drew before her death.

  • 劇情
  • Hirosue and Nagase will play a married couple in this tearjerker, based on a true story of two parents who are told that their daughter Miho (played by Manatsu Kimura) has one year left to live due to a brain tumor. The drama depicts the family's remaining time together, including the 359 letters that Miho drew before her death.