
オンラインかオフラインかにかかわらず、お客様のクレジットカード情報を収集したりデータベースに保存したりすることはありません。 お客様による購入はiPay88またはPayPalを通じて決済され、お客様のクレジットカードの明細書に「iPay88-ZoomMovie.com」または「PayPal-ZoomMovie.com」として表示されます。 ただし、お客様に関する基本的な情報(名前、住所、連絡先情報)は保持されます。 この情報は、ZoomMovie.comの運営および宣伝にのみ使用され、第三者に配布/販売されることはありません。

We do not collect or store buyer's credit card, bank details or any other financial information in our database, neither online nor offline.

Any purchase made by buyer will be billed by iPay88 or PayPal and appear as "iPay88-ZoomMovie.com" or "PayPal-ZoomMovie.com" in buyer's credit card billing statement


By accessing or using the ZoomMovie Web site, you agree to the terms of the ZoomMovie Online Privacy Policy, as outlined below. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not access or use this site.

Collection of Personal Information

When you engage in certain activities on this site, such as registering, ordering products, or participate in any contest or promotional event, ZoomMovie may ask you to provide certain information about yourself by filling out and submitting an online form. It is completely optional for you to engage in these activities. If you elect to engage in these activities, however, ZoomMovie may require you to provide personal information such as your name, delivery address, e-mail address, and other personal identifying information.

When you submit personal information to ZoomMovie you understand and agree that ZoomMovie and its subsidiaries, affiliates and trusted vendors may transfer, store, and process your buyer profile in any of the countries in which ZoomMovie and its affiliates maintain offices.

ZoomMovie collects this information in order to record and support your participation in the activities you select. For example, when you place an order, the information is used to ship the items ordered and to provide you with any benefits that may be made available to registered users. If you enter a contest, information is collected to qualify the entry and contact you regarding the contest or prize awards. ZoomMovie also uses information that you provide as part of our effort to keep you informed about special offers, and other ZoomMovie products and services.

ZoomMovie highly recognises and appreciates the importance of responsible use of this information. If you do not want the information you provide to ZoomMovie to be used to inform you of other products and special offers from ZoomMovie, and you indicate this preference in your account profile, we will honor your preference.

Deletion of Personal Information

When you choose to delete your personal information, you may write to ZoomMovie by CONTACT US, ZoomMovie will remove your personal information from your registered account in accordance to your preference.

Below listed the fields which will be deleted:
1. Email Address
2. Password
3. Name
4. Delivery address
5. Phone number

Deletion of personal information will automatically closing account, however, you may create new account in the future when you found something interesting from ZoomMovie.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a text-only string of information that a website transfers to the cookie file of the browser on your computer's hard disk so that the website can remember your activities throughout pages within ZoomMovie. The cookie cannot be read by a Web site other than the one that sent the cookies.

ZoomMovie uses cookies to maintain and carry shopping cart and you do not need to re-enter shipping information across pages within ZoomMovie website.

Disabling/Enabling Cookies

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings in your browser. However, you will not be able to use all the interactive features of our website if cookies are disabled.

Data Protection

ZoomMovie is registered in accordance with Malaysia Data Protection Legislation and will hold and use your personal data strictly in accordance with Malaysia's data protection legislation.

Secure Server Protection

ZoomMovie will retain copies of the information provided when you register on the website, place an order or participate into any contests or events. ZoomMovie implements a number of sophisticated security measures to ensure the safety of any personal information provided. The information is contained on a secure server, which is accessible only by a limited number of employees who have authorised access rights to such information. All information supplied by any visitor is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. SSL is commonly-used for managing the security of message transmission on the Internet through public-and-private key encryption and a digital certificate that establishes your credentials when doing Internet business or other on-line transactions. When you are asked to enter any personal details or credit card information the website will be secure. This is easily identifiable by an icon in the bottom of the browser window resembling an unbroken key or a closed lock. SSL ensures that the information being sent is secure. Your card number will be encrypted and replaced by a unique transaction reference number. ZoomMovie uses online bank secure servers and does not hold any buyer's card details on any ZoomMovie server at any time.