SKU: MIR0489

  • ビデオ
  • NTSC Fullscreen
  • オーディオ
  • 日本語
  • 字幕
  • 英語 , 中国語 , マレー語
  • ディスク
  • DVD ディスク
  • 地域コード
  • 地域コード All

  • 商品名 : Girara No Gyakushu : Toya-ko Samitto Kikiippatsu
  • 発売日 : 2009年05月10日
  • ディスク枚数 : 1 枚
  • 重量 : 150(g)

  • ストーリー紹介
  • In the summer of 2008, the G8 Summit is held at Lake Toya, a beautiful resort near the volcano in Hokkaido. At the same time, a Chinese rocket falls onto the island, causing a monster to be born from a spore attached to the rocket. The monster, Guilala, moves toward the summit conference site in pursuit of volcanic energy. Alerted to this foreign presence, countries around the world commit to battling...

  • ストーリー紹介
  • In the summer of 2008, the G8 Summit is held at Lake Toya, a beautiful resort near the volcano in Hokkaido. At the same time, a Chinese rocket falls onto the island, causing a monster to be born from a spore attached to the rocket. The monster, Guilala, moves toward the summit conference site in pursuit of volcanic energy. Alerted to this foreign presence, countries around the world commit to battling...