SKU: GPD2124

Taxi Taxi (DVD) (2013) シンガポール映画
  • Taxi Taxi image 1
  • Taxi Taxi image 2


Taxi Taxi

  • Taxi Taxi image 1
  • Taxi Taxi image 2

Taxi Taxi

  • Taxi Taxi image 1
  • Taxi Taxi image 2
  • ビデオ
  • NTSC
  • オーディオ
  • 中国語
  • 字幕
  • 英語, 中国語, マレー語
  • ディスク
  • DVD ディスク
  • 地域コード
  • Region All


  • 商品名 : Taxi Taxi
  • 再生時間: 前後 92分
  • 生産/放送日 : 2013年
  • 発売日 : 2013年05月11日
  • ディスク枚数 : 1 枚
  • 重量 : 150(g)
  • 生産国 : Singapore

  • ストーリー紹介
  • Most people do not give much thought about their taxi journeys, perceiving their meetings with taxi drivers as mere one-off random encounters. What happens when two taxi drivers cross each other's path? Especially when one is a newly taxi driver that used to be a highly educated professor that was heartlessly retrenched. However, he now needs to relearn everything. On the other hand, there is a veteran taxi driver without responsibility and ambition for his future.

  • ストーリー紹介
  • Most people do not give much thought about their taxi journeys, perceiving their meetings with taxi drivers as mere one-off random encounters. What happens when two taxi drivers cross each other's path? Especially when one is a newly taxi driver that used to be a highly educated professor that was heartlessly retrenched. However, he now needs to relearn everything. On the other hand, there is a veteran taxi driver without responsibility and ambition for his future.